maanantai 23. elokuuta 2010

LTE Pilot shows good results in TeliaSonera Finland

LTE or Long Term Evolution is 3GPP standard for Mobile Networks and is evolution for family of WCDMA based wireless networks.

But what does the standard really mean for us?

Recently Finnish TIETOKONE Magazine reported pretty interesting results from TeliaSonera's LTE test zone of 7 LTE Release 8 base stations in city of Turku, Southwest Finland.

According to their tests peak download speed of 40 Mbps was reached and for example downloads from the magazine's web library was 22 Megs by average. But what was even more impressive to me was the fact that RTD (round trip delay) to FICIX (Finnish Internet Exchange) took only 32 millisec by average. This is far better than what we get from 3G today. I'd say that getting more bandwidth with LTE is great but less delay translates to better end user experience thus is even more important.

All in all these results are good news for Web Video content providers waiting to get their content to Mobile Phones and Tablets.

So what these results tell to me and our company?

Let's note that the results are from Pilot network that is hardly congested at all.

When the Mobile Web Video hit's the prime time I guess we have some traffic & performance monitoring to do. Also our Windows Agent with TCP Download Speed Test could be pretty useful tool to assest the network prior any public launch.

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